
Friday, March 23, 2012

A Baby Shower for someone special....

Do you have girlfriends you've known almost your whole life, or at least what seems like your whole life? I have two very special women like this in my life. One is having a baby in May and the other is getting married in June. They are as close to me as sisters. we bicker like sisters, we tease like sisters, we laugh like sisters and most importantly, I love them like sisters. This is a big year for each of them and I'm excited I'm able to be a part of their special moments, even though I'm so far away....

While I was home I had the pleasure of co-hosting a baby shower with another dear friend for our sweet Christen. We're not sure what her little blessing will be so the theme was obviously gender neutral, but gosh it sure turned out cute!!!! A few pics from our little party....

As you can probably see, our theme was "Pea in the Pod," we had splashes of green everywhere, right down to the yummy menu! Such a fun shower, for such a sweet friend :).

Happy Friday!


  1. Love everything, you all did a great job!

  2. You girls are so cute!!! Shower looks like fun!

  3. Oh my gosh this shower is adorable! I just came across your blog and love it! I am your newest follower. xo


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