
Thursday, December 30, 2010

Grease 'er up!

(Fair warning- this post is a bit whiney :))

As I continue to grow, my skin is starting to get a little tight and Ford's kicks are starting to become visible on the outside.... (eek!). I'm starting to see skinny women on television in cute little outfits and silently curse them.... I'm told these are the joys of your third trimester (I'm 2 weeks shy, but hey... you get the point). Yesterday I found myself looking at old photos and came across this beauty taken two summers ago, let's just say I may or may not have taped this beauty to the fridge to remind myself that I WAS SKINNY ONCE... (argh!).......

In the meantime, I'm obsessed with this product. Dr. Oz recommended it (He's my new Oprah) for stretch marks, to prevent and to lessen and I use this stuff probably four times a day. In the hopes that once Baby Ford graces us with his presence my old body will return to me!

It smells GREAT and it helps with with the itchy belly too. To all my preggo girls--- GET THIS PRODUCT--- so worth it!! The one down side is it is a litttttlllle greasy, but I swear it washes out. T just likes to refer to me as his Grease Monkey now (lovingly, of course :)). 

Ok back to staring at skinny pics of me (I kid, I kid...). Have a great Thursday!   

1 comment:

  1. OMG! I just saw this pic! You were at your "fighting weight" in this pic...sadly I was not!


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