So, I know I'm not the first preggo to experience the glorious mood swings that occur throughout pregnancy, but geeez, they are definetly getting to me. I'm up and down so often lately that literally my mood can go from happy to sad in about .5 seconds. One minute I'm on top of the world, ready to take on the day and then the next minute I'm under the covers, in bed, feeling like the grossest, most worthless human being, ever.... It' ridiculous. I know it's normal to experience this, but geez I wish I could find a way to get myself outta the funk when it hits.... I'm not good at being an UNhappy person! These are the moments when I wish I lived closer to loved ones.
I am most importantly looking forward to the birth of my child, but I've got to say a close second is the return of my sanity.... I just can't wait to feel "normal" again. I want to be happy for a full day and not suddenly be consumed so unexpectedly with self doubt and loathing....
41 Days and Counting.........
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